
Funny post of the day ^^

Funny post of the day :D
Our French teacher said: "English is much harder than French." - NO! :DD
Maybe English sometimes seems to be hard, especially when you have a problem with you English teacher or French your first language. But believe me, I've learned both languages and FRENCH IS NOT EASIER THAN ENGLISH :D
I just had to say that, maybe some people, as my teacher have a different opinion about that, that's okay, but French has many many many more rules and so on.
English: I go, you go , he goes, we go, you go, they go
French: Je vais, tu vais, il vait, nous allons, vous allez, ils vont
2nd example:
English: this
French: ce, cette, ces, cettes
Do you know what I mean? ;P

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