
My second day, a Sunday

Today we went to church. It wqas my first time in a real American church :D we stayed there for 3 hours. Some people might be shocked now but it wasn't just listening and praying - we talked about important things of the life, for example about serving.
I met a lot of very friendly people there, I'm gonna meet some of them in High School, too ;) And I wqas really happy that they didn't say anything about my pair of jeans, because I was the only girl who did not waer a skirt or a dress...
When we were home I wanted to do something American: baseball! My 16.year-old sister explained it to me and when I finally understood it I tried to convince my 8-year-old brother to play it with me :D It's so much fun, I jsut have to improve my-self...a lot ;p We played soccer and frisbee, too. After that I checked out my sister's waveboard :D:D

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