
Oh FINALLY, it's so great

Hi everybody!
Today my German coordinator called me again.........TO TELL ME ABOUT MY HOST FAMILY ;DD I'm soo happy.
This evening I also called them the first time and they're really really friendly. And guess what I mean with "They" exactly ;) I'm gonna have 5 (!!!) siblings! That's great, isn't it :)?
The town where I'll live is ..... let me call it small :D (with it's 10000 inhabitants). But does it matter to me? No.
Sure, I'm sad that I won't see my family and my friends in Germany for such a long time - 10 months....But I'll come back, no worries ;)
I don't want to publish to much information about them here, but I have to say, that I'm sooooo much looking forward to the 18th of August when I'll meet them the first time.
xoxo Larissa

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