

Wow it's already a whole week ago that I postet my last post :Oo
Well, last week was .....CLUB WEEK :D (we could sign up for clubs)
There are soooo many clubs, I am in 4 clubs now :D
  • the make-a-wish-club where you meet once a month at lunch. The club is about letting wishes come tru wishes from children who have cancer or something like. That's so great, isn't it?
  • the drama club. I guess everyone knows what that is :D Meeting once a month (how the......can you make a play if you meet only once a month?!).
  • the mountain biking club. We meet once a month at school, but there are mountain bike trips in the mountain next to us every Saturday :)
  • the American folk club. FOLK MUSIC :D Yeah I could improve my guitare skills, play country music and and and ....
I am sooo happy to be involved, finally :D But I should have taken a picture of that CROWD in the main hall. Because, well, signing up for clubs doesn't mean that you get a paper with available clubs, mark the clubs you want to join, sign it and give it to the main office, NO, it means:
  1. go to the main hall
  2. fight through the crowd to the tables where people present their clubs
  3. shout, yell, scream your questions so that they can understand you (remember the big crowd -> LOUD)
  4. discuss (LOUD) with your friend(s) if you wanna join the club
  5. fight through the crowd standing directly in front of the table
  6. sign up!

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