
Skiing *__* :DDDDDDDDD

OK, I got one of the most amazing Christmas presents from my host family, besides a barbie and a hairdryer and lots of other stuff: A ski pass for one day! :DDD My best friend got one, too, so we went up to go skiing today :)

Christmas Dance^^

Here are some photos of the Christmas Dance :) Okay, this is actually at Wendy's, we brought fancy plates, glasses etc., just for fun and after that we went to the school to the dance where they also organized an ugly sweater contest :D

Salt Lake Temple Xmas Lights !! *__*

The week before Christmas Break we went with Young Women's from church to te Salt Lake Temple to see the Christmas lights! That was soo beautiful :) Here are some photos:


Dance Concert Flowers *__*

Last Thursday and Friday I had a dance concert at school :D On Friday, Spencer came to watch; and look what he has broght for me :o! That is so sweet :)^^


Preference :) !!

Hey, next January it's Preference (prom) :DDD And it's girl's choice^^ I chose to ask Spencer, my boyfriend^^.

Huuh Christmas light drive-thru^^ :D awesome idea^^ We went there last week.
Yesterday, on the 6th of December my Mom let the Nikolaus come to America to fill our boots, that was so awesome <3

And that is my brother John^^ He's 9 and likes Sharpies and Mustaches :D He didn't like Dad's face when he showed it to his parents :b


Guess what my German Dad has sent to me?? It came today: MY BELOVED CHOCOLATE CAPPUCCINO  that I'm addicted to!!! I haven't had it for 3 months! And now it's here <3<3<3 He has also sent a yummy Adventskalender (please write a comment if you know what that's in English :D) and candy :)))))) I am so happy ^^


SNowWoMaaAan :O

Snowwomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :O *___* :)
As you could see in my last post there was great weather on Thursday with sunshine and Tshirts and and and :D
That has changes yesterday, on Friday^^ It SNOWS *__* <3
This is what I saw when I woke up this morning:

Football SPIRIT BUS *__*

Last Thursday was this big Football game at the Uniersity of Utah, Lone PEak (my school) vs Jordan. 1200 students from Lone Peak bought a ticket for the game so school was out at 11.15 am !!! :o *__* I also bought a ticket for the spirit bus, together with some friends^^ That was my first time in a real American school bus, yeah :)
 We got pizza, won some stuff (I won a Lone Peak sword, yeah, see photo below), candy and so on :) When we were there I een got a free Lone Peak blanket from a supernice family, that was so awesome :)))
On the last photo you can see my boyfriend Spencer and me with a pair of sunglasses we found there and a cute hat we s"stole" from a friend :D


HALLOWEEN *__* :D 3:-)

YEAHH last Wednes day was HALLOWEEN *__* that was so awesome :D Almoste everyone had a costume at school, even some teachers :D At night I went trick or treating with my best friend Ashlyn, and we got soo much candy!
I love our neighbors, they are awesome :D
The Saturday before that I was at a Halloween party at chruch, together with my family and we did trunk or treating :D (people decorate their trunk with Halloween stuff and you go around, say "trunk or treat" and get caaandy :D)
This is a photo of me in my Hippie costume. My friend Amelia is painting a flower on my face :)


Did you know? ^^

Hey guys, did you know how much it would cost to buy EVERYTHING at McDonalds? so, my friend Spencer and I wanted to know...I said it would cost $100, he said $200. I WON! ;D All in all it would cost abou $120 :D


LAS VEGAS, BABY *___* // school -_-

so, the last days I'v been to Las Vegas with my organization :D Yei ^^ but unfortunately I had to miss school, and YES, I said UNFORTUNATELY because now I have to make up the tests I missed: Yesterday 3 tests, today 2 tests, tomorrow 3 or 4 tests and the day after tomorrow 2 tests...................yeah, that's the end of the term for us ........ 


Salt Lake City SHOPPING // St. George ;)

Woohoooo ;D tongight Mom, best friend Ashlyn and I will go to SALK LAKE CITY to City Creek (SHOPPING MALL) to go shopping and we'll see the wonderful Slat Lake Temple, too *__*. :)
I hope I'll find a Halloween costume. But I won't tell ypu what it's gonna be, because it's gonna be a SURPRIZE!!! :D
Tomorrow we'll leave and go to St. George (High School Musical 2^^) and stay till Sunday :D

Kürbis the Pumpkin

Hey guys

On Monday I had a wonderful afternoon with myfriend Spencer :D Halloween comes soon, soooo we carved a pumpkin :D that was so much fun.
I just found out that it's common here to keep a journal (diary). So I startd that yestrday :).


Alice in Wonderland & Laser tag (:

Hi everyone!
Sorry, it is already a longer time ago that I poste something. But yesterday we had a lot of things going on :D
In the morning  went out for a jog with a really good friend of mine, Ashlyn :) Then we prepared a tea party. That was actually my sister Natalie's unbirthday party, her birthday is next Wednesday ^^ it was an "Alice in Wonderlnd" party and most of her friends even dressed up! Sorry, I should have taken photos...
At 4 my friend Sencer came over and we went to a fun center to play laser tag with some friends. It is like a shooting game but it doesn't hurt because you shoot with light. Then we had a mexican dinner and watched "The Avengers" :) It was a great day!!


AHHHHH :D BIG surprise *__*

AHHHH I bought tha on amazon aaand....big surpise :D *___* that's no fake. I love Asley Judd!

Mountains ...(:

Yesterday we went to a hotel in the mountins and spend a wonderful time there :D this i a photo of my family and me at a vie point. We couldn't do many activite there because they are closed over the week and we hd to leave early today.


HomeComing! (:

Yesterday was homecoming and I am soooooo glad that a very nice boy from my Chemistry asked me to be his date for that night.
We went to the dance with two other couples. Before that we had a French diner and after the dance we watched "I am Legend". It was just an awesome night!


My first FOOTBALL GAME *_*

 Hello :D
Yesterday was my first football game. Well, I didn't play myself but although I still don't get the football rules I had a lot of fun with my sister Megan and her friends when we were there.
Besides game watching you yould als get face painting, dancing, buying candy and and and *__*.
Here are som photos...


What the HACK?!

What the hack?!
Today we had to go to our gmail account in Computer Technology class (don't ask me why, but we had to add our teacher to our contact list). Everything worked with my wonderful (not really used) google account...AT SCHOOL.
I just come home, want to chdck my blogger dashboard, enter my bog address and - "Your block has not been found". WHAT?! DELETED? Because od SCHOOL?!
Thank you, Mrs. Gale, Comp. Tech. teacher -_-
What a luck, everything works now.....and google has my phone number :(
still shocked Larissa


Homecoming dress ! :)

One week ago, a boy from my Chemistry class asked my for homecoming prom ;D *__*
That's my outfit - after 4 hours shopping and fitting room checking! :D
Homecoming's next Saturday, Sept. 15 :)


Yesterday, On our way to the shopping mall, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH how cool's that?
okay, don't think that we went shopping THERE but Las Vegas is only 5-6 hrs apart and Sall Lake city 45 min ;D

John's birthday candy ;p

Natalie and I made cake and yummie cupcakes with frostening topping (cotton-candy flavor ;P) for John's 9th birthday.
Because of YOU, my dear mean cupcakes, I weigh more now!  



Wow it's already a whole week ago that I postet my last post :Oo
Well, last week was .....CLUB WEEK :D (we could sign up for clubs)
There are soooo many clubs, I am in 4 clubs now :D
  • the make-a-wish-club where you meet once a month at lunch. The club is about letting wishes come tru wishes from children who have cancer or something like. That's so great, isn't it?
  • the drama club. I guess everyone knows what that is :D Meeting once a month (how the......can you make a play if you meet only once a month?!).
  • the mountain biking club. We meet once a month at school, but there are mountain bike trips in the mountain next to us every Saturday :)
  • the American folk club. FOLK MUSIC :D Yeah I could improve my guitare skills, play country music and and and ....
I am sooo happy to be involved, finally :D But I should have taken a picture of that CROWD in the main hall. Because, well, signing up for clubs doesn't mean that you get a paper with available clubs, mark the clubs you want to join, sign it and give it to the main office, NO, it means:
  1. go to the main hall
  2. fight through the crowd to the tables where people present their clubs
  3. shout, yell, scream your questions so that they can understand you (remember the big crowd -> LOUD)
  4. discuss (LOUD) with your friend(s) if you wanna join the club
  5. fight through the crowd standing directly in front of the table
  6. sign up!


Last Friday Night

Hello everyone!
Last Friday night ..... was awesome :)
DO you know this fun places from teen-movies where friends play mini golf or...whatever? :D We were there and we played mini golf and it was a lot of fun!

Then we played "Laser Tag"!!!! That's awesome.

And we were in New York, too.
Okey, just kidding :DTaht's a fake.


Funny post of the day ^^

Funny post of the day :D
Our French teacher said: "English is much harder than French." - NO! :DD
Maybe English sometimes seems to be hard, especially when you have a problem with you English teacher or French your first language. But believe me, I've learned both languages and FRENCH IS NOT EASIER THAN ENGLISH :D
I just had to say that, maybe some people, as my teacher have a different opinion about that, that's okay, but French has many many many more rules and so on.
English: I go, you go , he goes, we go, you go, they go
French: Je vais, tu vais, il vait, nous allons, vous allez, ils vont
2nd example:
English: this
French: ce, cette, ces, cettes
Do you know what I mean? ;P


School Goes Party -> BlAcK LiGhT DaNcE *-*

Saturday evening - school goes dico :D Some friends from the neighborhood and me had so much fun at the "Black Light Dance"! :D



Today is Saturday ;D........today we had to clean up the house :(.......but after that we had nothing to do................so we made cookies ;D ;D ;D


more school...MORE PICS!

Well, I've probably told you a lot about my school now, this are some pictures, finally ;D
that was the welcome-back assembly today. The people on the stage are in the club "ballroom dance" but that show reminded me in GLEE! It was totally as the performances in GLEE just without singing ;D

Main hall, and just look at the TV, the school has it's own TV channel :D

lockers in the hallways...but mine isn't in that pic

Our school from outside ^^


This picture is a bit older, actually it's from Tuesday, the first day of school, but it shows at least 4 od my siblings and me in front if the house :D <3

This is my new neighborhood *__* ;'D

This are some pic from my neighborhood :D^^. All American!

New chickens^^

Today, my family and me got some new chickens. I think now we have about 10 (?) :D :D