
DiFfErEnCeS :D!

Hi again!
Well, this is a short list of all things which are different here (okey, actually there are too many things to write them on this blog, but these are the things I regognized immediately):
  • Evereything is bigger (cars, houses, meals, shopping centers, school, streets)
  • You do everything by car (including the 5 minute walk to your freinds house)
  • People eat differently (the meals are just different, I can't explain it :D)
  • You do what your teacher tells you to do
  • You don't always have to raise your hand if yo want to say something in class
  • If you need to go to the restroom or need to make a call in class you need to use a hallway pass. If you don't use the hallway pass, you get extra credit (=better grades)
  • You (at least at my school) can look up your grades, teacher's comments, schedule etc on the internet
  • People here are just friendly. The neighbor that you don't even know says "hi" when you see him, everybody helps you when you need help - with a smile :D
  • Everything's easy going (except school, but now I also saw that it isn't hard to get a good grade if the teacher just see's that participate a little little bit)
  • If you buy something you usually look at the price. Let's say, something costs 1.50$. You will always pay more than the prays say's because of taxes!
  • Here are many fast food restaurants (but I guess that's not new)
  • All meals taste very good, milkshakes are sweeter than in Germany, salads taste better etc. (Today there was a girl, my host sister's friend and she bought a pizza in the school's cafeteria, but she didn't like. I wanted to try it. I liked it and told her: "Hey what's up with this pizza? It tastes normal, just like German pizza." She said, she would never buy a pizza in Germany. What I want to say: American pizza must taste really good, because I even liked the American "bad" pizza :D)
Larissa ;)

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