
More school...:D

I just want to write something bout school again. Well, because currently that's more or less the center of the day. At the first days of school, when I got to know my classmates the teachers and the classes itself I thought: "Oh wow, this people here are so open minded, firendly, helpful and interested in you." That made me really really happy. Tomorrow will be the 4th day of school, I hope it's normal that I haven't made really good friends, I mean friends, that are your best pals, that you meet every week afetr school etc yet........ But on the other hand I also thought: "OMG ho should I survive school, there're soooo many new and different things and I don't know if I'll get along with them." But now I got my first grades and it's...guess what...A! :D :D :D I'm happy ;)

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