
Funny post of the day ^^

Funny post of the day :D
Our French teacher said: "English is much harder than French." - NO! :DD
Maybe English sometimes seems to be hard, especially when you have a problem with you English teacher or French your first language. But believe me, I've learned both languages and FRENCH IS NOT EASIER THAN ENGLISH :D
I just had to say that, maybe some people, as my teacher have a different opinion about that, that's okay, but French has many many many more rules and so on.
English: I go, you go , he goes, we go, you go, they go
French: Je vais, tu vais, il vait, nous allons, vous allez, ils vont
2nd example:
English: this
French: ce, cette, ces, cettes
Do you know what I mean? ;P


School Goes Party -> BlAcK LiGhT DaNcE *-*

Saturday evening - school goes dico :D Some friends from the neighborhood and me had so much fun at the "Black Light Dance"! :D



Today is Saturday ;D........today we had to clean up the house :(.......but after that we had nothing to do................so we made cookies ;D ;D ;D


more school...MORE PICS!

Well, I've probably told you a lot about my school now, this are some pictures, finally ;D
that was the welcome-back assembly today. The people on the stage are in the club "ballroom dance" but that show reminded me in GLEE! It was totally as the performances in GLEE just without singing ;D

Main hall, and just look at the TV, the school has it's own TV channel :D

lockers in the hallways...but mine isn't in that pic

Our school from outside ^^


This picture is a bit older, actually it's from Tuesday, the first day of school, but it shows at least 4 od my siblings and me in front if the house :D <3

This is my new neighborhood *__* ;'D

This are some pic from my neighborhood :D^^. All American!

New chickens^^

Today, my family and me got some new chickens. I think now we have about 10 (?) :D :D

DiFfErEnCeS :D!

Hi again!
Well, this is a short list of all things which are different here (okey, actually there are too many things to write them on this blog, but these are the things I regognized immediately):
  • Evereything is bigger (cars, houses, meals, shopping centers, school, streets)
  • You do everything by car (including the 5 minute walk to your freinds house)
  • People eat differently (the meals are just different, I can't explain it :D)
  • You do what your teacher tells you to do
  • You don't always have to raise your hand if yo want to say something in class
  • If you need to go to the restroom or need to make a call in class you need to use a hallway pass. If you don't use the hallway pass, you get extra credit (=better grades)
  • You (at least at my school) can look up your grades, teacher's comments, schedule etc on the internet
  • People here are just friendly. The neighbor that you don't even know says "hi" when you see him, everybody helps you when you need help - with a smile :D
  • Everything's easy going (except school, but now I also saw that it isn't hard to get a good grade if the teacher just see's that participate a little little bit)
  • If you buy something you usually look at the price. Let's say, something costs 1.50$. You will always pay more than the prays say's because of taxes!
  • Here are many fast food restaurants (but I guess that's not new)
  • All meals taste very good, milkshakes are sweeter than in Germany, salads taste better etc. (Today there was a girl, my host sister's friend and she bought a pizza in the school's cafeteria, but she didn't like. I wanted to try it. I liked it and told her: "Hey what's up with this pizza? It tastes normal, just like German pizza." She said, she would never buy a pizza in Germany. What I want to say: American pizza must taste really good, because I even liked the American "bad" pizza :D)
Larissa ;)

More school...:D

I just want to write something bout school again. Well, because currently that's more or less the center of the day. At the first days of school, when I got to know my classmates the teachers and the classes itself I thought: "Oh wow, this people here are so open minded, firendly, helpful and interested in you." That made me really really happy. Tomorrow will be the 4th day of school, I hope it's normal that I haven't made really good friends, I mean friends, that are your best pals, that you meet every week afetr school etc yet........ But on the other hand I also thought: "OMG ho should I survive school, there're soooo many new and different things and I don't know if I'll get along with them." But now I got my first grades and it's...guess what...A! :D :D :D I'm happy ;)


1ST DAY OF SCHOOL! Welcome to HS

Today was my first day at a real American High School!!! :D I am a sophomore, so my classmates were new, too.
High School time it very.......busy. All in all you have 8 classes ( I have English, Health, French, Algebra, Computer Technology, US History, Dance and Chemistry) but we only have 4 classes per day, so that you have the same classes every second day. Each class takes about 1,5 hrs and between classes you only have 6 minutes to change the room, use the restroom, eat a snack etc!!!! That's not easy. But we get along, because after the 3rd class there's lunch break for about 35 minutes. Schools out at 2.15 :D
You don't meet the same stundents in all your classes unless you don't have the same ones. So I met many many new people, they're all soooo friendly and they really help if you have a problem! ;)
Though it's the first day at school, we have homework :(. But tonight there's gonna be a ....... pool party at school! That's great, isn't it? I mean, not every school organizes a pool party! :D
Tomorrow I'll try to get a locker - yes the lockers you usually only know from TV :D And of course I also try to sign in for some clubs and extracurricular activities.


The 1st time in an American HS!

Today my host mom and me went to the High School to register me. OMG, I have never seen such a big selection of classes before!!!!! I don't know how many different classes there are but I guess about 50 (?).
By the way, I had the chance to buy some sports clothes, too. I really wanted to have something from my High School so I bought it for 20$ :D Have a look (I know I might look a bit fat in them but that's just the cut :DD):



This evening, we went to a concert in a park not far from our home :D

Just look what my 11-year-old sister and room mate has done, it's soooo cute :* <3:

My second day, a Sunday

Today we went to church. It wqas my first time in a real American church :D we stayed there for 3 hours. Some people might be shocked now but it wasn't just listening and praying - we talked about important things of the life, for example about serving.
I met a lot of very friendly people there, I'm gonna meet some of them in High School, too ;) And I wqas really happy that they didn't say anything about my pair of jeans, because I was the only girl who did not waer a skirt or a dress...
When we were home I wanted to do something American: baseball! My 16.year-old sister explained it to me and when I finally understood it I tried to convince my 8-year-old brother to play it with me :D It's so much fun, I jsut have to improve my-self...a lot ;p We played soccer and frisbee, too. After that I checked out my sister's waveboard :D:D


Just arrived at my host family

Helloooo !
Today, I jut arrived at my wonderful host family's home :D
It's so great here, everything in American style! They are all sooo friendly and we made a yummie dinner, I saw the school I'll go to, we went to the hair dresser and and and :)  I've just been jogging to check out the neighborhood and I love it!

Today and Yesterday

Hey Guys (favourite word of the America)!
As you culd already see on my previously uploaded pictures I spend yestrday in Chicago. I't an amazing city, with lots of attractions and friendly people!
We jpoined a boat tour, had dinner in the Hard Rock Cafe, went shopping at macy's, visited the Sears Tower and just had a wonderful first day in the States.
Every one who loves big cities: GO TO CHICAGO ! :D
Today I'm gonna fly with some other people from this group to Salk Lake City where ou host families will be waiting for us. I'm so totally looking forward to that. Tonight my host family and me will have a great dinner ;p

Chicago Pictures, it's amazing *--*

The Bean

Policeman's cap :D

Hard Rock Cookies ;P

John Lennon Bag & John Lennon Fan :D

Chicago from the Sears Tower *__*


Chicago's 1st impressions....

That's Chicago from above :)

Oh my God, that'S cool, isn't it?! I've never seen something like that before :)

Just arrived - CHICAGO

Hello Guys!
I just arriuved in Chicago or the prep meeting and it's amazing. Okey the flight was long and actually I should be tired now, but the fact that I am HERE is just soo exciting! I will post a few pictures of the flight soon but now I'll just check out the hotel here with my room mates. Maybe we'll go swimming, too, the pool looks great :D


Getting ready

Packing my clothes. How should I pack a bag for one year if I may only carry 20kg with me?!
Getting the last things ready, currently I enjoy a last face mask .... (:


The day after tomorrow

I'm gonna start the big trip in 2 (!!!) days. I'm not nervous but so excited that I barely sleep....
Yesterday I bought some presents for my host family. All in all I need - not 1, not 2, no - 7 presents (2 parents, 5 kids) ! :D :D But I love the feeling of making some one smile ;)
I just found out that our dinner (from the prep meeting) on Friday will take place in the.....Hard Rock Cafe Chicago ;D ;D I'm so happy. And I'll meet my host family on Saturday in Salk Lake City.
This is probably the last post from Germany, but of course I'mm gonna tell you the latest news from America as soons as possible :)


Oh FINALLY, it's so great

Hi everybody!
Today my German coordinator called me again.........TO TELL ME ABOUT MY HOST FAMILY ;DD I'm soo happy.
This evening I also called them the first time and they're really really friendly. And guess what I mean with "They" exactly ;) I'm gonna have 5 (!!!) siblings! That's great, isn't it :)?
The town where I'll live is ..... let me call it small :D (with it's 10000 inhabitants). But does it matter to me? No.
Sure, I'm sad that I won't see my family and my friends in Germany for such a long time - 10 months....But I'll come back, no worries ;)
I don't want to publish to much information about them here, but I have to say, that I'm sooooo much looking forward to the 18th of August when I'll meet them the first time.
xoxo Larissa


168 Hours

alriiight: Countdown! My trip to America will start in exactly one week, I'll spend my last 168 hours in Germany and then: "lezz go!" :DD


OMG - finally!

I've just found out that I finally got a host family! ;DDDDD That means, that I'm gonna leave next Thursday, the 16th of August ! so that I'll arrive in Chicago on Thursday and will go to my host family on Saturday :)
Okey, I have to admit that I don't really know my host family yet, meaning that I don't know anything about the family itself. But they live in Utah (that's where they've made High School Musical!!!). I hope I'll get the family's and the school's confirmation this week so that I'll can finally call them.
I'm so happy,
Larissa <3


Still no host family....but something else ;')

Hi again,
I don't have a host family yet but I think it's worth it to tell that I finally got my Visa from Frankfurt and my money card for the United States.
I hope this wonderful letter telling me about my host family will come soon, everytime I'm talking to somebody he/she asks if I already know where I'm gonna stay-NOOOO :(
But it's definitely sure that I'll leave this month because I've booked a prep meeting in Chicago organised by the organisation and this prep meeting takes place in August only^^


Hi there

Hi there,
this is my blog about one year in the States, one year at a High School, on year in a host family.
But actually I don't know my host family, HS or the place where I'm gonna stay the next year yet.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to this experience and everything I'll find there ;'D